Summer Camp Meeting – Erica J. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

There were so many amazing things that happened at Camp meeting. Just like every other camp meeting lives were touched and people had a real experience with the presence of God. Those who are out in the field came and got a fresh touch from God. There was something different about this time however. It seems like the group as a whole was, for lack of a better word, ignited. Seeing as this was the name of our conference this week it shouldn’t be so surprising, but every person, which then filters into every group of people was given a new hunger to see the power of God working in what they have set their hands to. Things are already changing. It’s time to go to the next level in every area of the ministry.

Even just with the areas that I’m the most involved in: children, youth, and worship things cannot stay the same anymore. Worship with the youth band has to go up. There has to be more excellence and ushering in the presence of God. We can’t just settle for things to be “good enough” anymore. With the children, every child but be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. They have to be taught that they need to have the POWER of the Holy Spirit on the inside of them. The youth are hungry to see the gifts of the spirit working in and through them. They want to be an effective witness. They want to walk in undeniable results.

The plans that are being set in place for Vacation Bible School and Encounter 2010 are huge. We can’t just keep having conferences and programs for our young people that get them excited for a week or even a month and then as they are out in the world the fire dies out. There can be no more cycles. This fire has to stay lit until we see Him