Maru Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This is my 1st time out with the “great awakening “ministry ! wow what an eye opener so many people were receptive to this simple yet powerful gospel script it really is so simple and easy to follow and Rodney Howard Browne was not a bit embarrassed by reading from the card I had shard this good news with 10 people and 8 gave there life’s to the lord .

About 7:30 p.m. this evening, Jim S. and Rodney Howard Brown were at the Phoenix Ranch market on 1602 E. Roosevelt St.  A lady by the name of Angie prayed to receive Jesus.  She had been hit by a squad car and 4 times was declared clinically dead.  God brought her through.  Her right eyes were totally shut for years.  I laid my hands on her and prayed for healing.  Jim was agreeing and God opened her eye.  All glory, honor, praise be to Jesus!  Hallelujah!  Also a man from Poland, one from Guatemala, and one from Barundi prayed to receive Christ.

Rodney Howard Browne was walking to the parking meter discuraged that no one wanted to talk to me after an hour, and no my way, the Spirit said to me, “Talk to her.  I then said the first lines and said, ‘Has anyone told you that Jesus loves you and has a great plan for you?’  SHe then said, ‘No!’  I couldn’t believe what I just heard.  Rodney Howard Brown was then able to show her that she was loved by a wonderful savior.  Through all this I also rededicated my life!