The Lord Knows When

The Lord Knows When by Rodney Howard Browne

He did not see himself killing a wicked slave driver as much as courageously striking a blow for God’s folk. His problem? He dedicated himself to the will of Almighty God, but not to the God whose will it was. You and I will become so devoted to the will of Our Lord God, we will be able to be so driven by a blind sense of purpose, that we would coincidentally take matters into our own hands and leave God totally out of the loop. Was it not right to beat that Hebrew as he did? Actually .

But when Moses stepped in and started his very own Operation Deliverance, he was energised by the flesh, not the Spirit. How simply this will occur to good folk, to males and females with the highest motives and the best intentions. In your heart, you ache to be in front of a lecture room again. With all of your soul, you need to feel that lectern underneath your hands and the minds of those keen scholars soaking up your understanding.

And all of a sudden, allegedly out of the blue, a chance presents itself. But all of the while, God waits for you to find His counsel. If you act without discerning His timing, you’ll lose the grin of divine favor. You’ll actually sense that God has something for you to do in a certain area. But if you are not vigilant, if you are not daily humbling yourself before Him, looking for His face, discerning His timing, operating under the Spirit’s control, you will push and force your way prematurely into that place where God wanted you, but you won’t have arrived in his very own time.