Winter Camp Meeting 2010 | Sara Bengtsson

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I had never been to a camp meeting at The River at Tampa Bay Church before and it was a life changing experience.

I had really high expectations on this week out of what everyone else had told me and my expectations were truly met. Through this camp meeting I wanted God to show me things that He wanted me to accomplish and to show me things far greater than I have ever seen before and He answered my prayers starting the first service.

For a time I had been feeling uncertain and lost regarding my future and my calling. Where I am supposed to be and what God wants me to do. But as the week started I felt more and more confident and safe in what God has for me. Even if I don’t know every step of how my future will turn out I started feeling peace and hope about it. Everyday the same song came to me and the same sentence was trapped in my mind “I will be still and know You are God”.

This week God really opened my eyes again for my home country Sweden and for Europe. I felt a great need and a responsibility to actually set these parts of the world on fire for God. God showed my pictures of myself doing His work and made me realize that everything starts with me and that I am not sitting in these services for my own sake but for the world out there that is waiting for me to take actions. God made me realize that I have a greater calling than to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life. He has placed visions and dreams in me that can’t be fulfilled without me starting to take actions.

I got several amazing experiences with God this camp meeting and most of them started with me giving of myself. By serving almost every service this week I got to realize how much greater it is to give than to receive, but then realizing that by my giving and serving, I am receiving.

Now a few weeks after the winter camp meeting 2010 I have far greater visions and thoughts for my life and my future and I know that it will be nothing but extraordinary.