Nellyssa L. Testimony

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I have always been a naturally shy person and when it came to soul winning I was so concerned at first that I would not do a good job. It was never really a matter of caring about what anyone thought of me it was just that barrier of approaching someone I don’t know. Now, as I look back on this past school year I see how far I’ve come. There is still that slight reserve in me but once I get started I really get started. It’s amazing how now when I drive I actually look at the people I’m passing and wonder if they have a relationship with Christ or not.

It’s now an increasing concern of mine and a growing passion. I’ve seen more miracles on the street then I’ve seen my entire life. My greatest passion is seeing the young children be filled with the Holy Spirit. They are just so innocent and receptive to His power. They have this hunger to know more and to take all that Christ has for them. I remember one time I was praying for three kids all under the age of 6 and they were so touched by the presence of God that they kept inviting their friends to come see me.

They called over everyone they knew and told them about Jesus. It was the sweetest experience and it’s one that I will never forget. Just to see the faces of these children before and after they give their hearts to Jesus is an amazing sight to see. Their eyes light up and they get this uncontrollable smile that I bet they don’t even know that have. I’m so grateful to Pastor Rodney for instilling this passion for souls and even more now this passion to see this next generation on fire for Christ.