Sara B. Testimony

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When I first got to RSW in August 2009 I got introduced to soul winning. It was a concept that I had never heard of before and at first it really scared me. I got really nervous thinking about it and I felt like I didn’t know how to present the gospel to the people on the streets and I was afraid of getting rejected.

The first time I went soul winning I prayed to God before I knocked on the door that no one would answer so that I could just walk away. Later I got to one door and a girl opened it. I took the courage to follow the script with her and I led her to the Lord. It wasn’t hard for me to do this, it only pushed me out of my comfort zone. But this girl was crying out of gratitude and she told me how this really was a life changing decision for her and how before I came to her door she really didn’t see any light in her life. But this now gave her hope and something to live for when everything else seemed impossible.

This soul winning experience broke my heart. This finally made me realize what a great hunger and need people have for God and what a great commission we have to fulfill. I walked away crying and I felt how the need for people rose in my heart. That I have the matter of life and death in my hands, it’s in my hands if some people are going to spend their eternity in heaven.

The Lord did a great work in my heart that day that changed my life, now I live to share the greatest thing in my life with others, my relationship with Jesus Christ. I have now realized the importance of soul winning and realizing how soul winning changed my life and my relationship with God. I want to live as a soul winner and when I get to heaven I want to hear God say ”Well done, good and faithful servant”. (Matt 25:21)