Sonsearae J. Testimony

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Soul winning has defiantly made an impact on my life through the Lord is showing stamina, a heart for his people and a deeper dedication to him. That’s not the way it started though; in the beginning of the year when I realized we were required to go out and witness to people once a week and in the beginning of the year I was required to win 100 souls in order to get an A in soul winning class. That really got under my skin, but little did I know that my flesh was burning and that God was doing a burning and purifying in my heart and He started on day one.

Although the soul winning thing really got under my skin I still felt that I had to obey even though everything is me was shouting; “ No I don’t want to do this, I don’t want to talk to random people and have them reject me or my Jesus; maybe they deserve what they get!”. What I didn’t realize is that they weren’t rejecting me they were rejecting Jesus and that my heart needed some serious work. I had the keys to joy, happiness, peace and power through Jesus name, all living in me.

In me I carried the cure to depression, sicknesses, finances, the anointing and the presence of God all was inside of me because Christ lived in me. And as we would go out to minister to the community I would pray “Lord please break my heart for you people!” I so badly wanted to love God’s people the way he did, to have compassion and mercy on them. I began to press in for people and press through my thoughts and began to witness to people from my heart being lead of the Spirit, because the Bible says that those that are lead by the Spirit of God are the sons of God and I knew that there was nothing that I could say on my own that was make them believe they needed a savior because it the goodness of God that leads men to salvation.

So each person I would encounter I would let the Holy Spirit tell me what to say and how to minister to their needs and how to just make them feel loved. By just loving the people I began to see their walls began to break; the power of God unfailing love was plowing through their hearts, and he was using me as a vessel to pure that love out and lead them to salvation. God has been good to me in and has been opening my eyes to see his people the way he does. To see how lost they are without him, and how I have the key to their broken heartedness living in me. That’s how soul winning has affected me and it will affect and completely change you, if you let it.