Shani G. Testimony

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Soul winning has been such a rewarding experience. Not only do you get to minister to others but you get ministered to. It truly is a win-win situation. They get blessed, you get blessed, and most importantly, you add to the Kingdom of God. We are in this to plunder hell and populate Heaven! You realize how many people have never heard the question, “do you know that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?” It still surprises me to this day the amount of people that do not know this.

Prior to coming to The River Bible Institute, I was soul winning. However, it was not a passion, it was a program. It did not become a passion for me until I consistently went soul winning. There was a boldness that came over me that I did not know existed. When I speak to someone, I remember what it felt like to not know Jesus intimately. It was the most lonely and sad time of my life.

I have seen people weep under the presence of God, healed, and delivered. We may be the only Jesus that people see. People are out there dying and for us to keep our mouth shut is selfish. It is selfish because we do not live for ourselves but for others. Others must see the love of God in us by showing the love of God.

The most memorable experience I had was when I went through the gospel soul winning script with a young lady. After she said the prayer, the Lord told me to tell her how much He loved her. I kept telling her until tears came streaming down her face. She told me that she had just asked the Lord to send an angel to tell her about His love for her. Your obedience always affects someone else, so please get out and win souls.